Ingo Mueller



First Name





STF H 322



I am a PostDoc in the Systems Group at ETH Zurich. Before that I did my PhD on Engineering Aggregation Operators for Relational In-Memory Database Systems at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in collaboration with SAP SE.

My website at KIT has more information on my work until 2015.


Recent Publications

  • Stefan Irimescu, Can Berker Cikis, Ingo Müller, Ghislain Fourny, Gustavo Alonso. "Rumble: Data Independence for Large Messy Data Sets." arXiv: 1910.11582 [cs.DB].
  • Ingo Müller, Renato Marroquín, Dimitrios Koutsoukos, Mike Wawrzoniak, Sabir Akhadov, Gustavo Alonso. "The Collection Virtual Machine: An Abstraction for Multi-Frontend Multi-Backend Data Analysis." In: DaMoN, 2020. [preprint] [DOI]
  • Dimitrios Koutsoukos, Ingo Müller, Renato Marroquín, Gustavo Alonso. "Modularis: Modular Data Analytics for Hardware, Software, and Platform Heterogeneity." arXiv: 2004.03488 [cs.DB], 2020. [preprint]
  • Ingo Müller, Rodrigo Bruno, Ana Klimovic, John Wilkes, Eric Sedlar, Gustavo Alonso. "Serverless Clusters: The Missing Piece for Interactive Batch Applications?" In: SPMA, 2020. [DOI] [PDF] [video]
  • Ingo Müller, Renato Marroquín, Gustavo Alonso. "Lambada: Interactive Data Analytics on Cold Data Using Serverless Cloud Infrastructure." In: SIGMOD, 2020. [DOI] [preprint] [slides]
  • Ingo Müller, Renato Marroquín, Gustavo Alonso. "Lambada: Interactive Data Analytics on Cold Data Using Serverless Cloud Infrastructure [Poster]." In: EuroSys, 2020. [DOI] [abstract] [teaser] [PDF] [video]
  • Claude Barthels, Ingo Müller, Konstantin Taranov, Torsten Hoefler, Gustavo Alonso. "Strong consistency is not hard to get: TwoPhase Locking and TwoPhase Commit on Thousands of Cores." In: PVLDB, 2020. [DOI] [PDF] [datasets] [code]
  • Renato Marroquín, Ingo Müller, Darko Makreshanski, Gustavo Alonso. "Pay One, Get Hundreds for Free: Reducing Cloud Costs through Shared Query Execution." In: SoCC, 2018. [DOI] [preprint]
  • Ingo Müller, Andrea Arteaga, Torsten Hoefler, Gustavo Alonso. "Reproducible Floating-Point Aggregation in RDBMSs." In: ICDE, 2018. [DOI] [extended preprint] [slides] [animated slides]
  • Claude Barthels, Ingo Müller, Timo Schneider, Gustavo Alonso, Torsten Hoefler.
    "Distributed Join Algorithms on Thousands of Cores." In: PVLDB, 2017. [PDF] [DOI]
  • Ingo Müller. "Engineering Aggregation Operators for Relational In-Memory Database Systems." PhD Thesis. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, 2016. [PDF] [DOI]


Available topics for thesis and internships:

I always have projects on similar topics as the papers I published and theses I supervised. Please get in touch with me if you want to learn details.



Course Role Semesters
Big Data (postgraduate lecture) Head TA

Autumn 2016, Autumn 2017, Autumn 2018, Autumn 2019

Data Modelling and Databases (undergraduate lecture) Head TA Spring 2016, Spring 2017, Spring 2018, Spring 2019 (regular TA), Spring 2020
Hardware Acceleration for Data Processing (postgraduate seminar) Mentor of participants Autumn 2016
Computing Platforms (undergraduate seminar) Co-lecturer Spring 2020


Supervised Theses

Student Title Type Year Link
Gianluca Moro Storage Format for Almost-Homogeneous Data Sets BT 2020 [DOI]
Dimitrios Koutsoukos Producing building blocks for data analytics MT 2019  
Daniel Yu Efficient Processing of Almost-Homogeneous Semi-Structured Data MT 2018 [DOI]
Roman Willi Design and Implementation of RDMA-based Database Operators MT 2017 [DOI]
Sabir Akhadov PySpark at Bare-Metal Speed MT 2017 [DOI]
Jonas Kuratli Distributed Join Result Materialization over High-Performance Networks MT 2017 [DOI]
Jan Wolf Multiple Query Execution through SQL Rewriting MT 2017 [DOI]
Jingyi Wang Performance Analysis of Decision Tree Learning Algorithms on Multicore CPUs MT 2016 [DOI]