COMPASS TALK by Philippe Bonnet (IT University, Copenhagen, Denmark): Near-Data Processing with Open-Channel SSDs

04.10.2018 10:00

Thursday, 4 October 2018, 10:00-11:00 in CAB E 72

Speaker: Philippe Bonnet (IT University, Copenhagen, Denmark)

Title: Near-Data Processing with Open-Channel SSDs






The advent of microsecond-scale SSDs makes it necessary to streamline the I/O software stack. At the same time, the increasing performance gap between storage and CPU makes it necessary to reduce the CPU overhead associated to storage management. The convergence of these two trends calls for a profound redesign of the I/O stack. In this talk, I will present recent work we have done based on a near-data processing architecture, where low-level storage management and front-end SSD management are combined at a middle tier between host CPU and Open-Channel SSDs. I will first review recent developments in the area of Open-Channel SSDs, then detail our work on two systems (ELEOS & LightLSM), and conclude with lessons learned and open issues.


Philippe Bonnet is professor in the data systems group at the IT University of Copenhagen. He is a Marie Curie fellow. He held positions at ECRC, INRIA, Cornell and University of Copenhagen. Recently, Philippe led the Danish CLyDE project that promoted open-channel SSDs, resulting in patents as well as a contribution to the Linux kernel (lightnvm).


