Fall 2017

Time and Location

The lunch seminar is held every Friday from 12:00 to 13:00 at CAB E 72.

Lunch Seminar organizers:

Vojislav Dukic, Lefteris Sidirourgos, Salvatore Di Girolamo.


The topic will be announced shortly before the talk.

Date Speaker Institute Topic Food
22.09.        Moritz
29.09.  Ahsan Awad KTH Royal Inst. of Techn. Stockholm Near Data Processing Architectures: Opportunities and Challenges for Big Data Processing Frameworks  Tobias Gysi
06.10.  Timothy Roscoe  Systems Group  Enzian: a research computer  Roni
13.10.  Nezihe Merve Gürel  Systems Group From Big Bang to Big Data: The Square Kilometre Array  Hantian
20.10.  Kaan Kara  Systems Group  Quantized Neural Networks on Specialized Hardware  Zsolt
27.10.  Simon Kassing  Systems Group  Beyond fat-trees without antennae, mirrors, and disco-balls  Debopam
03.11.  Tobias Grosser  Systems Group Automatic accelerator compilation of the COSMO climate and weather model  Johannes
10.11.  Qian Ge  Systems Group  Your Processor Leaks Information - and There's Nothing You Can Do About It  Renato
17.11.  Ghislain Fourny Systems Grou Non-Nashian Game Theory and why it matters to Data Science   Simon K.
24.11.  Sandhya Dwarkadas University of Rochester Performance Isolation on Modern Multi-Socket Systems  Reto
01.12.  Zeke Wang  Systems Group  Programming FPGA with OpenCL or HDL?  Alexandros
08.12. (in CAB G 61) Kaveh Razavi Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam The Sad State of Software on Unreliable and Leaky Hardware  David
15.12.  Kevin Chang Carnegie Mellon University Understanding and Improving the Latency of DRAM-Based Memory Systems  Hasan