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Start: 12.04.2018 11:00
Thursday, 12 April 2018, 11:00-12:00 in CAB E 72
Title: Heterogeneous Computing Systems for Datacenter and HPC Applications
Abstract: For several decades, the technology roadmap has been driven by technology scaling, but it is evident that this will not be sufficient to economically realize large-scale computing applications. Furthermore, the convergence of data-science and HPC leads to significant changes of the workload characteristic of the emerging exascale HPC applications when compared to "classic" HPC applications. Therefore, the innovations that sustain the roadmap towards exascale computing applications come from heterogeneous, dense, workload-optimized systems. In this presentation, I will discuss the current status and show several projects from within IBM Research - Zurich that advance the roadmap towards tomorrows large-scale computing applications. Short Bio: Christoph Hagleitner leads the "Heterogeneous Cognitive Computing Systems" group at the IBM Research – Zurich Lab (ZRL) in Ruschlikon, Switzerland. The group focuses on heterogeneous computing systems for cloud datacenters and HPC. Applications include big-data analytics and cognitive computing. He obtained a diploma degree in Electrical Engineering from ETH, Zurich, Switzerland in 1997 and and a Ph.D. degree for a thesis on CMOS-integrated Microsensors from ETH, Zurich, Switzerland in 2002. In 2003 he joined IBM Research to work on the system architecture of a novel probe-storage device (“millipede”-project). In 2008, he started to build up a new research group in the area of accelerator technologies. The team initially focused on on-chip accelerator cores and gradually expanded its research to heterogeneous systems and their applications.
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