Information Retrieval 2018 - Course Material

< Overview


  • 2018-05-14: A corrected version of the slides for lecture 7 has been uploaded.
  • 2018-05-11: An updated version of the slides for lecture 8 has been uploaded.
  • 2018-05-03: A corrected version of the slides for lecture 7 has been uploaded.
  • 2018-04-27: Corrected versions of the slides for lectures 6 and 7 have been uploaded.
  • 2018-04-20: A corrected version of the slides for lecture 6, "Index compression" has been uploaded
  • 2018-04-12: A corrected version of the slides for lecture 5, "Index construction" has been uploaded


Date Topic Slides Book chapter
23.02. 1. Introduction



02.03. 2. Boolean Retrieval [pdf] Chapter 1
09.03. 3. Term Vocabulary [pdf] Chapter 2
16.03. 4. Tolerant Retrieval [pdf] Chapter 3
23.03. 5. Index Construction [pdf] Chapter 4
13.04. 6. Index Compression [pdf] Chapter 5
20.04. 7. Ranked Retrieval [pdf] Chapter 6
04.05. 8. Scoring in a Bigger Picture [pdf] Chapter 7
11.05 9. Probabilistic Information Retrieval [pdf]

Chapter 11 (except 11.3.4, 11.4 and 11.5)
and 12 (only 12.1 and 12.2.1, just the basics of language models) 

25.05 10. Evaluation [pdf] Chapter 8 (only 8.1, 8.2, 8.3 and 8.4)
01.06 11. Web Search [pdf]  
08.06 12. Wrapup [pdf]  


Old Exam

You can find the exam here: [pdf]. You have been given the required login information (username + password) by email.

Here is a list of questions for which the topic was covered in the course:

  • 1.1.a
  • 1.1.c
  • 1.1.e
  • 1.2.a
  • 1.2.b
  • 1.2.c
  • 2.4.a
  • 2.4.b **
  • 2.4.c **
  • 2.5 (everything)
  • 3.1 (everything)
  • 3.2 (everything)

Everything else should be completely ignored, as this exam was given for a Master's level information retrieval class.


Week Dates Topic
00 02.03 Introduction to Python
01 09.03-15.03 (deadline 23:59) Inverted Index
02 16.03-22.03 (deadline 23:59) N-word index, positional index and stemming
03 23.03-12.04 (deadline 23:59) K-gram index, edit distance, Jaccard coefficient
04 13.04-19.04 (deadline 23:59) Blocked sort-based index construction, MapReduce, logarithmic merging
05 20.04-26.04 (deadline 23:59) Gamma Codes
06 27.04-03.05 (deadline 23:59) Heap's Law, Zipf's Law, and Index compression
07 04.05-14.05 (deadline 23:59) Vector-space model

11.05-17.05 (deadline 23:59)

Inexact Top-K and Cluster pruning
09 18.05-24.05 (deadline 23:59) Probabilistic Retrieval (exact topic TBA)

 Other materials

  • Supporting code for programming exercises: [zip]