Overview | Lectures | Exercises
- Pick up the exercise sheets you have handed in from the usual spot before the semester break is over. After that, we will throw away the remaining ones.
- There will be no exercise sheet this week and no sessions next week (May 24 and 25). The next sheet will be release on May 23, handed in on May 30, and discussed on May 31 and June 1.
- No classes take place at ETH on Friday, March, 30. If this affects your exercise slot, you can come to the slot on Thursday instead.
- The ZVV dataset contained a bug and has been updated.
- The dataset used in the interactive SQL sessions and the exercises along with guides how to install Postgres and import the datasets are now available for download.
- The first exercise sessions will take place on Thursday, March 1 and Friday, March 2. Consult the table below to know which session is yours.
- The first lecture will take place on Wednesday, February 21, in HG F 3.
The course teaches the basics of modeling, querying, and managing data.
The course focuses on relational databases, but also covers other forms of data processing engines, such as those used today in Internet applications.
The course covers the following topics: entity-relationship model, relational modeling, the relational data model, relational data modeling theory (normal forms), SQL, referential integrity, transactions, replication, and internet scale data management.
Thu |
15-17 |
CAB G 11 |
Last name in [A*,L*] |
Fri |
13-15 |
CHN C 14 |
Last name in [M*,Z*] |
Send questions (if possible in English) about the general aspects to sg-dmdb@lists.inf.ethz.ch, which reaches all of us. Send questions about a specific aspects to the correspondant TA and/or the list.
Literature (pick one)
- Kemper, Eickler: Datenbanksysteme: Eine Einführung. Oldenbourg Verlag, 7. Auflage, 2009. [ETH library]
- Garcia-Molina, Ullman, Widom: Database Systems: The Complete Book. Pearson, 2. Auflage, 2008. [ETH library] [selected solutions]
Ce Zhang, Gustavo Alonso