What's new?
- Exercise session registration is available.
- No exercise session on September 21st. First exercise session will be on September 28th.
- Added mailing list for corrections, typos, and suggestion.
- No lecture on September 28th.
- Bonus assignment guidelines accessible under course material. First deadline on November 1st.
- Small update to Bonus assignment guidelines. We will not discard any questions about the first half of the lecture for the second deadline, but we encourage you to submit a question that covers a topic of the second half.
- Chapter 14: Added definition (Def. 14.39) clarifying the difference between global and local clock skew.
- Fixed Mistake in Virtual Machine & Network Stack exercise (last question).
- Uploaded some old exams for the Distrbuted Systems part (in course material).
- Added some additional remarks for the Distributed Systems part (exam preparation)
- There is no lecture or exercise session on December 21st.
- Uploaded Q&A session questions and answers.
This course is about real computer systems, and the principles on which they are designed and built. We cover both modern OSes and the large-scale distributed systems that power today's online services. We illustrate the ideas with real-world examples, but emphasize common theoretical results, practical tradeoffs, and design principles that apply across many different scales and technologies.
Since this is a new course, we are still "debugging" it and if you find any typos, corrections or have suggenstions on how to improve the script you can send them to the following mailing list: compsys-errata@lists.inf.ethz.ch
- Manuel Eichelberger (manuelei at ethz) ETZ G97 (En/De)
- Roni Häcki (roni.haecki at inf) CAB E69 (En/De)
- Vasiliki Kalavri (vasiliki.kalavri at inf) CAB E73.1 (En)
- Daniel Gstöhl (gstoehld at student.ethz.ch)
- Jonas Gude (jgude at student.ethz.ch)
- Jakob Meier (jakmeier at student.ethz.ch)
- Claudio Ferrari (ferraric at student.ethz.ch)
- Amray Schwabe (schwabea at student.ethz.ch)
Course Hours
- Mon 10-12h, CAB G 61
- Fri 10-12h, CAB G 61
Time |
Room |
Language |
TA |
Fri 13-15 |
CHN D 48 |
en/de |
Daniel Gstöhl |
Fri 13-15 |
ETZ F 91 |
en/de |
Jonas Gude |
Fri 13-15 |
ETZ K 91 |
en/de |
Jakob Meier |
Fri 13-15 |
HG D 3.1 |
en/de |
Claudio Ferrari |
Fri 13-15 |
HG D 3.3 |
en/de |
Amray Schwabe |